الأحد، 3 يوليو 2011

برنامج SysCheckUp 1.00 لتسريع الجهاز وضمان عمله بكافئة قصوى

SysCheckUp screenshot 1
يساعد هذا برنامج SysCheckUp لتشغيل الحاسوب بأفضل حالة وسرعة واستقرار وتسريع الكمبيوتر والميموري والمعالج وله الكثير من مميزات keep your computer running at maximum performance يقوم البرنامج بحل جميع مشاكل الحاسوب ورسائل الخطأ والمشاكل التي تواجهها بحاسوبك ومن اهم مميزات البرنامج معالج سجل النظام registry cleaner 

حيث يقوم بفحص سجل النظام وحذف المفاتيح الغير مستخدمه فيه وتقليل من حجم سجل النظام لتسريع الحاسوب وكذالك يستطيع اخذ نسخة احتياطية من سجل النظام وحفظه والكثير من مميزات اهمها Repairer, Missing taskba, Missing desktop icons, Missing CD drives, CDs do not automatically run, Secure websites do not open, Disk Defragmenter problem, ActiveX/COM-related problems برنامج رائع بمميزات جميلة جدا
SysCheckUpA software designed for Windows to keep your PC running at peak performance.SysCheckUp is an application designed for to help you keep your computer running at maximum performance.
The innovative repairer can repair multiple problems including: missing desktop icons, missing taskbar, missing drives, no audio, and denied access to the task manager and control panel.
The registry cleaner can remove obsolete items from the system registry for increased reliability and manageability. The registry compactor will compact your registry for faster registry access times.
The registry backup/restore tool will allow you to create a registry backup and restore it in the event of registry corruption. The disk cleaner will remove obsolete files from your hard drive to free up hard drive space.
Here are some key features of “SysCheckUp”:
· Repairer
Use SysCheckUp’s Repairer to repair multiple problems including:
· Missing taskbar
· Missing desktop icons
· Missing CD drives
· CDs do not automatically run
· Secure websites do not open
· Video/audio codec problems
· Windows Installer problems
· Printing problems
· Task Manager problems
· System Restore problems
· Disk Defragmenter problem
· ActiveX/COM-related problems
· This entire process generally takes only a few minutes. This tool can be used to cleanup problems after a virus attack, a repair install, unintentional setting changes, etc.
· Registry Cleaner
· The registry cleaner will scan your system’s registry and fix the errors it finds. This tool will make your computer more stable and manageable.
· Registry Compactor
· The registry compactor can reduce the size of your registry to speed up registry access times.
· Registry Backup / Restore
· The Windows registry is one of the most crucial components required for Windows to operate. It is a huge database of settings that Windows and most programs use to store settings. If a single critical registry key/value becomes corrupted, it can leave your computer in an extremely unstable state or even leave you with an unbootable system. With this tool, you can create registry backups and restore them at a later date if the registry becomes corrupt.
· Disk Cleaner
· Scan your hard drive for unnecessary files and delete them. Over time, your hard drive may fill up with unnecessary files that take up space that could be used for useful files.

· 30 days trial
·nag screen

تحميل البرنامج SysCheckUp 1.00

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