من منا لا يعرف برنامج الحمـاية AVG ، برنامج لا غنى عنه في مجال الحمـاية لكل من يبحث عن قوة الحماية وخفة في الأداء وعدم التسبب بثقل في الجهاز ، برنامج يُعتبر من أفضل البرامج ، حيث يوفر الحماية القصـوى لجهازك ، ويُكافح الفايروسات وملفات التجسس ، ويتوفر به خدمات وأدوات تعمل مع بعضها البعض لتوفر قوة وجدار حماية يتصدى لهجمات ، ويحتوي أيضا على جدار ناري ، كل ما عليك هو القيام بتحديث قاعدة البيانات ، والتحديث اليومي لضمان الحماية القصوى .
AVG Internet Security Business Edition 2011 – Ultimate endpoint security for your employees’ laptops and PCs. File Server protection to prevent malware from spreading across your network. Email Server protection against spam, phishing and email threats. Automated Security Updates plus security monitoring and reporting.
Business data is every bit as attractive as personal data to cyber criminals.
AVG Data Protection goes way beyond typical identity theft protection solutions and identifies software that is behaving suspiciously in order to protect your business data and identity.
AVG Smart Scanning scans while you’re away and runs in low-priority mode when you’re working. AVG 2011’s scans are faster too, saving your business time by using our unique Smart Scanning technology.
The Internet is your business’s key to success. From online transactions and email communications to handling sensitive customer data, AVG Internet Security Business Edition is designed to dynamically protect your Internet-active business from today’s most sophisticated online threats.
With multiple layers of protection, smart scanning and a user-friendly management console, it’s the ultimate solution for businesses that need peace of mind from software that’s engineered to be high on protection, light on resources and easy-to-use.
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