الثلاثاء، 12 يوليو 2011

برنامج Quicken Password 14 برنامج لحفظ وادارة كلمات المرور

Quicken Password
برنامج Quicken Password برامج ادارة كلمات المرور وحفظها وتحريرها 2010 وهو احد البرامج الرائعه والمفيدة والمطلوبة للكثيرين في في عملية خزن بياناتهم السرية والخصوصية وحفظها بعيداً عن متناول الاخرين اي برنامج يمكنك الحصول على اصدارات احدث وافضل من برامج ادارة كلمات المرور وحفظها.
Quicken Password will help you recover your lost password for a Quicken file. The new improved password recovery engine is optimized for multi core CPUs and allows to achieve the best possible performance.
There are two types of passwords used in Quicken: a password for opening a data file (also known as ‘file password’) and a transaction password. If both passwords are set, you will have to recover the password for opening the file first; then you can recover the transaction password. In other words you cannot decrypt the transaction password if the file password is set.
It is possible to recover the transaction password instantly. Fake Password will be constructed. Unless your document was created in an old Quicken (prior 2001), the password for opening is much, much harder to crack.
The universal recovery methods (Brute Force Attack, Dictionary Search and Smart Force Attack) must be used for that. Unfortunately, even a single password check takes a lot of computations, so the search speed will be very slow (not more than 1000 passwords per second).

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